It is customary for America the Beautiful chorus to begin each new year with the naming of its Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY). The award is intended to recognize a member of the chorus who has made the greatest impact upon both the chorus and the Pikes Peak Chapter operation during the previous year.
Normally, the award is given at a chapter meeting, a rehearsal setting or a banquet as was done in February 2020. However, the pandemic has restricted our gatherings for nearly a year. Consequently, a presentation ceremony was developed which is unique in our 75-year history!
During our normal January 21 zoom session arrangements were made to make the presentation both virtually and actually. Just prior to reading the BOTY citation, Larry McCollum, BOTY for 2019, texted a message to Jim Campbell, BOTY for 2018. Jim was waiting outside the recipient’s home with the award. As Larry read the citation, Jim rang the doorbell and was greeted by the recipient’s wife who granted Jim access to make the actual presentation of the award.
When, at the end of the citation, the name of the recipient was announced, Jim entered the room where the recipient was watching/listening to the presentation on his computer. Overall, it was a unique and memorable ceremony.
The citation for the 2020 Barbershopper of the Year is as follows:
The past year has most likely been the most challenging one for the Barbershop community since its inception. There is no doubt that the pandemic and its attendant restrictions upon our society have had a significant impact upon singing.
However, the Pikes Peak Chapter has made every attempt to maintain its focus on singing through a variety of methods all practiced via the available technology…most notably zoom meetings. It has been nearly a year since the chapter created harmony in its last face-to-face session. But much chapter business has been conducted behind the scenes since March 2020.
It is a chapter tradition to recognize one of its members each year with the Barbershopper of the Year award. Similar to the manner in which this pandemic has had an impact on singing, we proudly acknowledge the efforts of this chapter member who during this difficult time has had a very positive impact.
This year’s recipient began his barbershop career in 2005. From the beginning, he was an energetic and enthusiastic worker on behalf of all aspects of chapter operations. Most recently, as Music Librarian, he took on the daunting task of completely re-organizing and cataloging the entire music library and preparing it to be moved to our new rehearsal facility. He accurately assessed this complex job, divided it into workable tasks, recruited volunteers, scheduled the work, and then provided clear guidance and work materials to everyone. He then invested additional hours on his own, cleaning up all the loose ends to achieve a level of organization and understanding of our music library heretofore unknown.
When the time came to actually move out of our old storage space, he was there as a key part of the team, making sure that both the music files and other important equipment and supplies were taken care of properly.
Downplaying his own heart health issues, he volunteered to help with the move of another chapter member’s personal effects. His willingness to help in practically any situation is commendable. During this pandemic, he took the initiative to maintain contact with many inactive chapter members to reassure them that their participation in the chapter was valued and important.
When a vacancy occurred on the chapter board of directors for 2021, our recipient responded with his normal enthusiasm to serve in this important position.
If this were not enough, our recipient has served on the board of directors of the Rocky Mountain District as Vice President for Financial Development and has done an admirable job of fostering positive relationships among all barbershop organizations including the Barbershop Harmony Society and Harmony Foundation International.
Our recipient’s selfless contributions to our chapter’s wellbeing throughout this most challenging year have been noteworthy. His positive impact upon the Pikes Peak Chapter in 2020 has been at the highest level and for which he may be justifiably proud. I present to you the Pikes Peak Chapter’s 2020 Barbershopper of the Year – Neil Ridenour!
Neil Ridenour 2020 BOTY
Neil Ridenour (left) 2020 BOTY,
Jim Campbell (right) 2018 BOTY
Welcome to 2021 and Happy New Year!
The holiday decorations are packed away for another year and we are left with memories of one of the most unusual holiday seasons of our lifetimes. However, the America the Beautiful chorus forges ahead with anticipation of a happier and healthier new year.
America the Beautiful looks forward to the possibility of singing for you again sometime soon. It may not be until summer or later, but we are focused on being prepared to perform whenever the opportunity arises.
We have missed being able to do some of these activities that were so well received prior to the pandemic:
- Staging our annual spring show with top level guest entertainers.
- Singing at nursing and retirement communities throughout Colorado Springs.
- Singing our national anthem at various sporting events.
- Singing for and welcoming our newest citizens at US Naturalization ceremonies.
- Performing at school Veteran’s Day ceremonies.
- Competing at our annual barbershop district competition
- Presenting our annual Christmas show (always a local holiday favorite).
In July, America the Beautiful will celebrate its 75th anniversary of singing and making a positive difference in the lives of the citizens of this incredible community. However, due to the pandemic our inability to perform at the many events outlined above has put the chorus in a difficult position financially.
Although the “official” season of giving has passed, America the Beautiful asks that you consider a charitable gift to help us survive this difficult time. A gift of any amount will be greatly appreciated, but perhaps a gift equal to two concert tickets ($30) may be suggested.
You may mail a check to:
America the Beautiful Chorus
P. O. Box 1242
Monument, CO 80132
Or, you may click on the “Donate” button on the menu bar at the top of this website.
Thank you for considering a tax-deductible gift to America the Beautiful. We are always honored & humbled to sing for you and hope to continue doing so for many years to come.
Happy New Year!